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FAQs about PALS Certification

Introduction to PALS Certification

The PALS Certification is a course for paediatric advanced life support. This is an instructor driven course where with the help of various videos the vital concepts of paediatrics are reinforced. These concepts are based on the regulated and adequate methods of assessing a paediatric patient, giving basic life support, efficient resuscitation, management algorithms for PALS and importance of team coordination by imitating a series of emergencies related to paediatrics.

The most recent advancements including the assessment and management of children in paediatric ICU have been reflected in the updated PALS courses by the American Heart Association.

Who requires a PALS certification?

Pals certification is a must for emergency medicine experts. Otherthan this the health professionals who are directly involved in handling a paediatric patient whether it is a surgeon, a technician or a nurse especially if they are working in the intensive care units too.

Is the new 2011 version upgraded than old 2006 version?

There are some key changes in the new version of PALS courses which consists of AHA guidelines for ECC and CPR.

  • New systematic approach for PALS.

  • Stop regular calcium use for cardiac arrests for better survival and reduce detrimental effects.

  • New debriefing tool for making a self motivated team.

  • Therapeutic hyperthermia is possible if patient is in coma after resuscitation.

  • 2-4 J/Kg can be given to defibrillate followed by shocks at 4J/kg.

  • Risk of hyperoxemia can be reduced if after ROSC titrate oxygen 94% to <100% is given.

What are the contents of PALS course according to new AHA guidelines?

  • 1-Rescuer child CPR and use of AED.

  • Conceptualization of team for CPR.

  • 1-and 2-rescuer infant CPR.

  • Handling a respiratory failure.

  • Recreating and discussing cardiac, respiratory and cases for shock.

  • Rhythm problems and electrical therapy

  • Systemic approach to infants and children.

What are the pre requisites for students before PALS course?

  • Hands on experience for infants and BLS child skills.

  • Should be able to differentiate heart rhythms.

  • Familiar to drugs for cardiac disturbances.

  • Know the uses and kinds of airway management tools.

How long does it take to finish the course?

With one manikin and one instructor for 6 students, it takes 14 hours 10 minutes. Optional stations update 8 hrs 20 minutes and update without optional stations takes 6 hours 20 minutes.

Who qualifies the course?

One who is an alert participant and has completed to practice on all learning stations. He must qualify 1-and 2- rescuer child AED and BLS and BLS, AED skill test. He must score 84% or above in the written exam and must pass two PALS case simulations of lungs, heart or shock acting to be a team leader and demonstrate good team dynamics by providing effective medical treatment.

What should a student carry?

The student should have a PALS provider manual before and he should use it during and after the class when he takes up the course.


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