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Who Should Get Basic First Aid and CPR Training? | CPR First Aid

Emergencies happen – it’s a simple fact of life. Some people are fortunate to never be stuck in these frightening scenarios but it is always crucial to be prepared.

The problem is that only about 46% of people who experience an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest receive CPR before professional help arrives. People are not prepared to save lives when they need to! This should be alarming to everyone as more people being CPR certified could save you or someone you love. Confusion about who needs to be qualified is a problem that needs to be addressed. That’s exactly what we are here to do!

We’re going to get into the benefits of getting basic first aid and CPR training as well as telling you where you can get this training quickly and easily.

Which main groups need first aid and CPR certification?

Some people in certain professions should know basic first aid and CPR methods. In fact, some employers won’t let you work without being certified in both. Some of these might come as a surprise.

Healthcare Professionals

This one is pretty obvious. Medical professionals specialize in saving lives so, of course, they should be certified in both areas! These jobs include, but are not limited to:



Medical assistants


Childcare Providers

Children and infants are some of the most vulnerable members of society when it comes to things like choking, bleeding, and sustaining injuries. They haven’t yet learned how to chew food properly, what they should and should not put in their mouths, how to walk or run carefully, and all sorts of other things that adults know. Childcare providers should be ready to assist them and prevent a tragedy at all times because children are prone to both minor and major accidents.

Law Enforcement

Police officers are trained to deal with the most difficult aspects of their jobs, including volatile situations. When tensions rise and chaos breaks out, people often get hurt. Some even suffer more serious injuries like heart attacks and broken bones. Police officers should have CPR and first aid certification to ensure that they can help everyone, from suspects in custody to innocent bystanders, is safe when the dust settles.


Firefighters are another group of first responders who are often the first people to arrive on the scene of a fire or a wreck. All firefighters should know basic life support and CPR skills because it could be the difference between life and death for people in these situations.


Aside from medical professionals, lifeguards should also come to mind when thinking about who needs CPR and first aid certification. After all, delivering CPR is the primary reason that this job exists! Lifeguards are posted at pools and beaches to rescue those who are drowning; sometimes, performing CPR is an essential part of that rescue.

Who else may benefit from first aid and CPR training?

Take note of some other professions that may require basic first aid and CPR skills. Even if they are not required, it is still recommended that you get certified if you hope to enter one of the following career fields:

Construction workers

Flight attendants

Coaches/athletic trainers



Jail/prison staff



School staff (teachers, principals, etc.)

Security guards


Social workers


Why would these groups need CPR and first aid training? It makes sense that parents should learn CPR to save their child’s life, but why a server? The truth is that all of these professions have a few things in common:

They work around many people. Servers see hundreds of people every day and they never know when someone is going to choke on their food or suffer a heart attack. Even eating is a risky business; servers can save lives when they are trained properly.

They work in hazardous conditions. Construction workers, electricians, and coaches all work with potentially dangerous equipment. They oversee the use of this equipment as well. Someone in their care or a coworker could get injured and knowing CPR and first aid can save the day!

They are the first person to see an emergency. Flight attendants, managers, and secretaries may all be the first people to recognize signs of a budding emergency. They do not work with many people and neither do their bosses. The more people who know CPR in these limited settings, the better.

The truth is that everyone should learn CPR. If you are physically able to do CPR and first aid, you should. Being certified can save the life of someone who would die if no one was around to help. When everyone is prepared for the worst, the world becomes a safer place.

Where can you learn first aid and CPR?

In the past, CPR and first aid classes were only done in training centers or classrooms. The evolution of the Internet has changed the game, though! Now, you can take these courses online and become certified without leaving the comfort of your home. ProCPR courses from ProTrainings are affordable, comprehensive, and easy to follow.

You can choose to do online-only training, blended courses, or physical classes only. You don’t have to move around your schedule and inconvenience yourself and you still learn to be a hero! You have nothing to lose and you just might end up saving a life – why not give it a try?

Learn more about CPR First Aid.


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