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Common Treatments for Cardiovascular Disease

Nothing kills more people than cardiovascular disease. Yet, the condition is treatable. If your doctor recently diagnosed you with heart disease, it does not have to shut down your daily routines. Fortunately, your doctor can work with you to treat the effects of this serious illness.

What cardiovascular disease does

Cardiovascular disease comes in multiple forms. Many people think of heart attacks when they hear about heart disease. This occurs when a clot blocks the flow of blood to the heart. A stroke is similar, but in this case, a blocked blood vessel restricts blood flow to the brain. Heart failure is another type of heart disease. This occurs when the heart stops pumping blood properly.


The doctor may prescribe a drug to help control the symptoms of cardiovascular disease. Some of these may prevent the effects of the condition or strengthen the heart. People with artery disease often take nitrates, which help relieve pain in the blood vessels. Blood thinners are also common. These medications are designed to prevent blood clots. The doctor may also recommend a drug called digoxin, which helps heal a damaged heart.


In more serious cases, the doctor may suggest an operation for the patient. Heart bypass surgery helps when there is a blockage in the arteries leading to the heart. The intervention opens a new path for blood to travel. Angioplasty is another way to open arteries with buildup. If the patient’s heart is damaged beyond repair, a heart transplant may be necessary. Some patients have a device such as a pacemaker implanted in the heart.

Diet control

If the doctor catches the person’s cardiovascular disease early enough, changing the patient’s diet may be sufficient. Foods high in sodium, sugar and fat can raise the person’s blood pressure and increase the chances of having a heart attack. The doctor may recommend that the person replace these items with fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fish. Changing eating habits can have a significant impact on heart health. Giving up smoking and limiting alcohol are also important steps.

Getting fit

Lack of activity is one of the leading causes of cardiovascular disease. Patients who do not exercise tend to be overweight, which correlates with heart problems. The doctor may lay out an exercise plan for the person. This should include moderate and vigorous activity to strengthen the heart. Aerobic workouts such as brisk walking and running can help. Cycling, swimming and weightlifting are also effective ways to improve a person’s fitness level.

Conquer cardiovascular disease

While it is true that heart disease claims many lives, it does not have to take hold of yours. With the help of your experienced, knowledgeable doctor, you can reverse the effects of this dreaded condition. Hard work and discipline can relieve pain and discomfort as well. If your doctor has diagnosed you with this disease, do not give up hope. Instead, follow your physician’s orders and do your part to regain your health. Call your doctor today and start your treatment plan.

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