May 17, 2022

Nurse's ACLS training and prompt response saves a man's life

ACLS and BLS Certification Training

The purpose of Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) is to help people who are facing a life-threatening incident have the best possible result. ACLS is a set of evidence-based procedures that may be committed to memory and remembered in stressful situations. These ACLS protocols were created through a combination of research, patient case studies, clinical studies, and expert comments.

Karen Yates, A Methodist Mansfield Medical Center's Chest Pain Coordinator and EMS Liaison, nominated nurse Tai Tran for the American Heart Association's (AHA) Heartsaver Hero Award for his prompt efforts to save a life in December. Karen was interviewed by the CPR & First Aid Blog to learn more about her tale.

Around December of 2018, Don, the patient in question, was at a nearby Lifetime Fitness gym in Mansfield. Don had just finished his workout and was about to enter the locker room when he collapsed.

Mr. Tai Tran, a nurse at Methodist Mansfield Medical Center, had stepped in right behind him, saw him collapse, and quickly began CPR. Other attendees shouted for gym personnel and dialed 9-1-1 while Tran performed CPR. Fortunately, the gym personnel were well-trained and arrived swiftly with an AED, which they used to defibrillate Don twice. Don was awake and talking by the time EMS took him to the hospital, because of the prompt and effective treatment he received from Tran and the Lifetime employees.

Thankfully, Don has been released from the hospital and is recuperating at home with his family. Don and his family plainly recognized that if the appropriate people hadn't been present, the narrative could have ended very differently. The significance of this is not lost on anyone, and his family are all grateful for the joyful conclusion.

Karen Yates nominated Tai Tran for the American Heart Association's Heartsaver Hero Award because he is an excellent example of how quality CPR training and prompt action can save a life anywhere.

We offer BLS and ACLS training and certification for healthcare practitioners

ACLS and BLS classes are offered in the following locations

Milford, CT, Newington, CT, Gainesville, FL, Jacksonville, FL, Bergenfield, NJ, Jersey City, NJ

Livingston, NJ, Commack LI, NY, Queens, NY
